Monday, April 3, 2023

Filming Day 1 `

This blog speaks about an event that took place on  3/28/23

Today was the least complicated as what we were planning to film was mostly incredibly simple things. Just close-ups and other things that did not require any extra people or sets. Just proper lighting and me in costume. 

The first thing we did was set up all of the lighting and camera. Lighting was challenging due to the nature of the room we were filming in and the great number of windows where light could get through. So figuring out what specific combination of closed curtains light settings and camera modifications will make it so the shot able to look like night. 

After the tedious time to figure out all the right light combinations the other parts of the filming process went more smoothly just doing various close-ups. However, another part I had to consider was the accuracy of the blackjack table I had to figure out what combinations will work the narrative we want to make it look consistent in between takes. 

There is more filming to do but this day definitely increased my confidence in our ability to do this 

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Film opening

 Here it is finally, our film opening for “Impulse”