Saturday, March 18, 2023

Filming locations

 Most of the film opening would be recorded in one room (for now) which would be the casino floor. However I want this set to be as lively as a regular casino floor in a hotel. For that we will need ample space for the room which is why I chose to turn my living room into the filming location 

 Within the living room we will move most of the furniture out set up tables with card sets and poker chips and put up led signs. Towards the back we will make a sitting area with the provided furniture just to add more depth to the set as a whole. 

This transformation will require also a good amount of people in costumes as different casino staff members. For this simple button ups and vest that I can ask people if they have or easily get for cheap at goodwill will suffice. However one thing I need a better lead for is getting tables as right now that have the exact look I want further research is needed on that.

Overall building the set might seem difficult but I’m an in advantageous position and only need to get very few things to start.

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Film opening

 Here it is finally, our film opening for “Impulse”